Monday, April 18, 2011


Not many things are able to get me frustrated...however, three is one particular things that digs in deep with me.  I dislike when people make assumptions about me.  Anyone who knows me well, or even a little, knows I am an open book.  There is nothing you can't ask me that I will not openly and freely answer! 

I am a very giving and selfish person at the same time.  For instance, I have no problem giving of my finances and my resources.  I have no problem helping someone through a problem, and doing things for them.  However, if the assistance requires me to drive somewhere, especially, causing me to back track, I often do no want to do it. 

Well, I have been friends with a guy for almost two years now, and everyone thinks we are a couple, with the exception of a very few people.  I have openly stated in front of many that he IS NOT and HAS NOT been my boyfriend.   Many have issues believing that, OH WELL! 

Lately, it seems that I have been hear more and more comments about the situation in a negative manner and it is irking me!  Some questions are more frustrating than others.  People have asked if I am pregnant, never to me, always to him.  UGH!!! Seriously!!! For you to ask that is not an issue, I am a full size lady, however, I am smaller now than I was two year ago, so NO, I can't possibly be pregnant!  If I could realistically get pregnant without sex, this question would not offend me as much, but I know the real question is, Are you guys sleeping together?  To solve the mystery, NO!!!!

I could see if were were touchy-feely or what not, but we aren't!

While I know it is uncommon, we are REALLY just friends.  There are many things I like about the guy, and somethings that have confirmed we will only ever be friends!  We are cool with this, I just wish our spectators were as well!