Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Back to doing better

So, its been more than a few months since my last posts.  I make no apologies but I have had the urge to blog so here I am.  I've been listening to poetry this morning, so I thought I would try my hand at it.


Are things that happen over time
Often necessary, but rarely embraced
Causing the worried look to rest upon the face
If only it was a different time or place
I mean, I would if I could, and yes I understand that I should
However right now, the time just isn't good.

Sometimes I fear it, but pray that God bring me near it
I want to adjust and be different but it just might hurt
I pretend to be void of strength when i am really just lazy and don't want to do the work

It requires me to deny the things that seem sweet like pie
Makes me face the truth and escape the lie
That everything is okay and life is just fine
But really I know that is just the enemy's favorite line
Convincing me to flee from God and his perfect love for me

Change is a blessing and from it is taught a real true lesson
God came and made a change, sinners like you and me still think its strange
He gave his only son, to save us from our sin
The funny things is despite my lifestyle He would do it again
 Thank you Lord, that through your change in me, I've read the back of the book, and I know I win!

Monday, July 11, 2011

When you enter...

Psalm 100

A psalm. For giving grateful praise. 1 Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth.
 2 Worship the LORD with gladness;
   come before him with joyful songs.
3 Know that the LORD is God.
   It is he who made us, and we are his[a];
   we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
 4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving
   and his courts with praise;
   give thanks to him and praise his name.
5 For the LORD is good and his love endures forever;
   his faithfulness continues through all generations.

Yesterday's worship was nothing short of amazing.  It is so true that when you enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with Praise that the Lords shows up and shows out.  Just to give an indication of how the Lord worked in our worship services yesterday...We started service at 11 am...and are normally dismissed from service about 1:15, 1:30 at the latest.  Well yesterday, the Minister didn't get up to minister until 1:05ish!

The presence of God was truly in that place.  Healing, deliverance, restoration, forgiveness, was abounding yesterday.  I don't really have the words to express the atmosphere accurately. 

Worshipers came in with a mind of worship.  No one was looking to the left or the right, but had their minds on Christ and was able to enter into his presence.  It was truly a beautiful sight.  Ministers were humbling themselves and were kneeling at the alter, confessing their situations to the Lord.  This was awesome, it opened the door for others to come and come boldly to seek Christ.  It was truly a place of healing.  Bondage was set free, and yolks were broken. 

Intercessors moved through the congregation without limits, praying and laying hands on people.  Petitioning Christ on behalf of others.  You could see the burdens being lifted.

I've not experienced anything more amazing, than what I did yesterday.  I am thankful to be apart of God's Kingdom.  Apart of something so miraculous.  I am grateful for my spiritual gifts, prayer is a beautiful thing!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

When your story is told, what way it say?

I have been going back and forth with myself a lot lately.  Trying to decide if what I am doing is what I should be doing.  There are many questions that remain unanswered.

As we all know, we are living in the last days and have been for a while.  This causes me to think about many things.  One of which is, when its time to tell my story, what will it say?  I find myself going out on limbs for people, who often, leave me there alone.  I find my heart supporting the dreams of those who need supporting, but aren't always willing to take the necessary leap.  More importantly I find myself saying yes, when I really want to say no, but something forces the three letters out before I can form the two.

I am in a decent position in life, but by no means where my heart desires to be.  For years I have given excuses for why I am not able to do what I should be doing.  There is a bigger one in my way currently, that I can't seem to figure out.

I am stuck in a place, trying to figure out my story.  I want to tell a story that touches hearts and sparks a desire to change for the better.  I want to tell a story that makes me look back over my life and smile because I honored my heavenly father and made change here on earth.  I want to tell a story that is uniquely mine.  It doesn't have to matter to everyone, be read by anyone, as long as it seen and needed by at least one.

So much...

So much has been going on in my life, there are times when I am not sure if I am coming or going.  As you can tell I have given up on blogging everyday.  There simply is not enough time.  I am going back to the goal of strong meaningful posts!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I have not jumped ship!

I have not forgotten my mission or my commitment.  However, those very things are keeping me from blogging. I will do a general recap of the days I have failed to blog.  Sorry

I have not jumped ship, I will get back to it!

One thing I am excited about it a new budget setup for June!  Details to come!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 18

Today was a good day overall.  It was not very busy, but it was a good day.  There is not a lot worth mentioning.  I wanted to blog to keep my commitment, but I do not have anything great to say.

The best thing that came from this day was my Mini Me coming up with the wording for the Teens Shirts:  Solid teachers teaching solid soldiers!  I am so excited to see where this goes!

Day 17

Today I must admit, is a reality check for me and I am not happy with the results.

I have been uneasy the last week or with the different things that have been happening, and especially with the weather.  I have even been questioning if I am doing all that God has called and asked me to do. I know that I have fallen short recently and that is a big factor.  I have done what I know I need to do for repentance, but for some reason (conviction) I feel like it hasn't been enough.  I know that one trick of the enemy is to use guilt to make us feel like we have done something to awful to be redeemed from whatever it was that you did.  I know that my heart is sincere and that my sins are forgiven.  I guess it is knowing that I sinned against my Lord, that hurts me the most.

Today was a challenge because we had sever weather that required us to evacuate our office.  I was fine at first, I grabbed my wallet, went to the hall and began to pray.  I was fine, I knew everything would be okay.  Then the hype began and instead of being the calm through the storm, I got caught in the storm.  I began to freak out too.

I talked to my BFF who confronted my fears and quickly reminded me that as a believer I have no business being scared.  That was enough to calm me down. 

I have been dealing with this situation all day.  I am going to pray my way through it.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 16

Today is Tuesday, and I am having a messy day.  My emotions are all over the place and I am not sure how I feel about much of anything today.

Today I decided I needed to do something nice and selfless for someone else.  I stopped on my way to work and got a rose for a great friend of mine, TM!  I know she like fresh flowers, and I wanted to brighten her day.  I didnt want to be overwhelming, but simple enough to let her know, she makes a difference. 

I was able to see my friend Sir today.  He came up to my office to chat for a bit.  It was pretty awesome to talk to a friend that I dont see often.  I was able to talk and he was available to listen and that made the day go better.   He gave me a couple of gifts which was sweet.   A book on prayer, something I plan to start today, and a card game, scattergories.    It was really nice seeing him!!!  We are gonna have a game day on Monday, and I am EXICITED-
I bought a pair of Fila Skele-toes yesterday, and I believe I love them.  I am wearing them for the first time today and they feel awesome.  I think I am going to spring for another pair.  I want the Vibrams because they have five individual toe spots and they come in several colors and styles.  I really really like these.  I am going to get some toes socks and be HAPPY!
I had lunch with my Mini Me, we went to eat Chicken, it was good but the company was even better!

The evening went well, I picked up my kid, we did a little shopping and spent the rest of the night with each other.  We had Bible Study, we were in Ephesians 6 looking at the Armor of God, prayer, dinner, made dessert and went to bed.  It was a cool night, the kid even slept in the bed with me!!! 

This is our pan of brownies before going into the oven.  We made chocolate brownies with Caramel (the heart and zig-zag line are the caramel).  We were not able to eat them because the kid had to go to bed, but tonight we will enjoy them with milk!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 15

WOW!!! Where to start for today!  I woke up and was getting ready for work, when my TSINW showed me this BOULDER on her finger!!! She went to take her guy to meet her parents over the weekend, they gave their blessing and he proposed yesterday!! EXCITING!!!

I wish my entire day was as great.  I was on my way to work and ran into an issue with a shower I am planning.  I was able to handle the situation without loosing my cool.  I had just been reading in James and it really helped me keep my tongue, Thanks James LOL!

I ate the lunch I brought to work today, which was good.  I am trying to be more fiscally responsible, but it is not as easy getting adjusted to as I would like.  I enjoy enjoying life and I want to get to a place where I can do that on a larger scale.  I have decided that I will no longer eat my cation, but I will live it.  That being said, I need to brown bag it instead of going out to grab it!

My plans for the evening were to run errands and prepare for a few showers I am helping with, but life caused things to go differently.  I received a text asking that I pray for a young man that went to High School with many of my youth group teens.  He had been shot, so that evening my BFF invited me to go to the mall with them.  We went to the mall and clowned around like we always do.

Funny Story:  We went into wet seal at the mall, they were having a 1 cent sale for things on clearance.  This bracelet was there so I tried it on, okay well I forced it on my arm.  I had to pull and pry it off.   As I hid behind the wall in bff tried to take a picture, "for the sake of the blog" is what I was told.  I know my BFF enough to know better.  I was able to pry the bracelet of, so I wanted to take a picture of such a painful yet cute bracelet.  My kid was happy to model for me. 

Me and the Kid in JC Penny next to the Khaki Working Men, just seemed like a good photo op!

 Me and the Mini Me doing what we do best, acting a fool!!! I know you cant tell but we are SQUEEZING into the awesome Ninja Turtle of us even needed help getting it off!  LOL!!!

The Kid felt like trying some things on as well, she does know how to accessorize!

We were going through the mall and were trying many of the free demonstrations, Summie was able to get her hair curled as this lady tried to convince us to buy the next new thing.  A flat iron that was 100% ceramic, but when I asked about it versus an Ionic Iron, she said " I am trying to remember 8th grade science, not a good sign, most ceremic irons have ionic technology built in and...well enough said.  Her hair was cute afterwards though!

After the mall we went and got dinner, while there we got a call saying the young man earlier did not make it, and we went to the hospital and supported our teens in a difficult time.  While I did not know the young man personally, it hit me extremely hard.  I thank God for our teens and the fact that they are being honest in what they do and who they are.  I pray that they continue to grow and evangelize to their friends.   

I had a talk with my TSINW when I got home, there are some things that we have to deal with before I can celebrate with her whole heartedly, this is challenging for me, so I am really praying my way through it all.  I have been in this situation before, except I was on the giving end, which makes receiving it that much more difficult because I have to deal with the pain I caused as well as the pain I am experiencing.  EEEK!!! Looking forward to healing and tomorrow!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


OK!!!! So I started some blogs and saved them so I could add pictures, some I thought I posted but did not, so my days are a bit out of order, I am sorry!  I will try to be more organized, but I make no promises!  On a side note, they are all labeled!

Day 12

Phew!!! I didn't think this would happen!  I am caught up on blogging!

Today I didnt everything I wanted to do, NOTHING at all.  I took the kid to school and spent the rest of the day in my in house out of town vacation!  I laid around, watched TV (netflix) and had milk and cookies.  I did a little laundry, made some jewelry and took a nap.  I woke up, went to get a pedicure, out to dinner and am now back home, blogging!

At the nail shop, it was interesting.  I got the deluxe pedicure, and I must say it was worth every dollar. Mixed with two leg scrubs, a mask, and hot towels.  I tried the crackle polish, first it was the white top over pink polish and it looked like I had some fungus!!! So I switched to pink over white, much better!

I wanted to go to Golden Corral for dinner, so we went to the one in Independence, which was out the door packed, so we went to Cheddars, they were just as busy so we drove to OLATHE to eat at Golden Corral, they were not busy at all.  I went with Maze and Mini Me.  We laughed, joked and had a great time.  I was even able to make my Mini Me drive home.  She forced me to hold the keys, I bet she regrets that now.

I am going to enjoy the rest of a quiet evening here at home!  Til tomorrow- toodles!

Day 8-11

This is a cheat and I know it, but I am okay with it.  This is covering an entire week.  I have been busy and not able to blog as I planned so I will make this one cover a larger span of time in an attempt to get caught back up.

Monday was a good day.  Not a lot of things happened.  I had a rough hair day because I decided to take my hair down that morning.  Which was not really the problem, but I did not have a game plan once it was down.  So I had a portion that looked like a puff and a portion that looked like a fresh twist out.  By the end of the day, I was shamed!!!

I indulged in a guilty pleasure during the day, I drank a pineapple pop.  my dad calls it picnic pop, I call it good!

Held a youth leaders meeting at my house. We had sandwiches with cheddar cheese, smoked turkey, tomatoes, pickles, horseradish mustard and potato bread.  Homemade (country time) lemonade and strawberries! It was fun to laugh and joke with adults!

I was super excited!!! I ordered a box chain necklace to go with one of my graduation gifts and it arrived!! It was awesome, I really like the gift and was stoked that I could wear it!  It looked even better because I had done my hair that morning, which meant I looked fly from head to toe!

Wednesday was an awesome day.  At Youth Group we celebrated all of our graduates from the class of 2011.  We had cake, ice cream, drinks and games!  We played Taboo and Scattergoires.  Both awesome games, but not necessarily easy to play when you are playing with a room full of teens!

Thursday was a good day.  Before the day started, I decided I would do something nice for my kid.  She fractured her thumb a month or so ago and has a cast on.  I thought it was be a good idea to add some jewels for coolness.  Then it was off to a long day at work, but good none the less.  For lunch we had Charlie D's fish and it was awesome!  For the evening there was not a lot I needed to do, which is always nice.  I ran a few errands and came home to relax.  Talked on the phone and called it a night!

Day 14


Today was an awesome day!!!  Many of my teens graduated from High School and I got to see it happen.

My day started off with prayer service.  It is always nice to help set the atmosphere of praise and worship for the days service.  We had Sunday school class and it was interesting.  We came from Matthew 24 addressing the false prediction that the world was coming to an end yesterday evening.  It was refreshing to hear what my kids felt and thought on the subject.

Children's church was pretty fun.  We are going through the full armor of God.  I am trying to get my kids to understand that they NEED to have their Bible's with them everywhere they go, but especially to church.  I often remind them that "coming to church w/o their Bible, is like coming to church naked!"  Saying the word NAKED to a bunch of small kids is the perfect way to get a reaction!  So today we began our unit!  I will keep you posted.

My friend bought her guy friend to church today for the first time, I've met him before, but this was a big step for them.  I blew it!!! I didn't speak to him at church, and they had a intense discussion about it as they drove from church.  So I took a trip to where they were to personally speak and apologize!!! Might I add I had to climb over 30 steps in the heat!!!

Today I got to see four of my teens graduate today and they were awesome!  The ladies looked lovely!!! Afterwards we went to Golden Corral for dinner, it was delicious!  Needless to say I am exhausted and headed to bed with a sense of accomplishment, my blog is up to date!!!

Day 13

This post is for Saturday, May 21, 2011.

Today had many turns that made moving on more and more interesting. I started my day of slowly.  Getting up doing a little, and I do mean little cleaning, and getting ready for the day.  I was taking one of my teens to the mall to get her eye brows threaded for graduation tomorrow (which is technically today). I had a few stops to make a long the way.  I dropped off a gift I had made for a friends sister.  This turned out to be awesome, because they want me to make about 5 more!  AWESOME!

We went to the mall, I was in OLD Navy buying $1 flip flops, and my teen called to tell me she was done.  Much to my surprise, she thought I was paying for them, I thought she was.  Being the nice person I am, I paid for her brows!  She looked good!  We went back to Old Navy to get my Mini Me some flops, and were then off to the picnic.

We arrived at the picnic about 1:45 or so, it began at one.  I knew better than to be on time to a picnic, we made it there before either of the guests of honor.  It was fine, I was able to mingle.  I really just wanted to eat.  I was super hungry.  My slow start of a morning did not allow for breakfast.  Although, Old Navy was handing out these rice crispy treats....I ate like 3~!

The picnic was fun and the food was good.  I stayed longer than planned and without regret.  After leaving, I went to WalMart to get gumbo fixins.  I made it and it turned out well, except, I burnt my tongue trying to taste it, so I am not super sure if it tastes like Gumbo or not.  I know it smells and looks amazingly good!  Ill show ya what all I put in it!

I boiled chicken breasts and shredded them.  They look void of flavor, but they were very well seasoned.  I used the juice for broth later on~

I chopped my vegetables (onion, celery, red and green bell peppers)

Homemade chicken broth...

Johnsonville Beef Hotlink sausage....

The beginning of my rue ( I think I spelled it correctly)

Adding the veggies to the rue, also added tomatoes and garlic...


Added broth...
In the midst of making gumbo I was preparing baby shower invitations for one of my friends at church!  I had to stuff the envelopes and seal them.  It was a daunting task, but I got it done, well most of it!

My TSINW made it back in town safely, Ill give ya more details on that in a later post!  Well I gotta get some rest, tomorrow (today) is a big day!!! ITS SUNDAY!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 7

This is for day 7, Sunday, May 15, 2011

Today was a good day as all others have also been.  Started a bit uneasy with the kid.  She did everything she knew how to do to get the day off to a crazy start.  We all got dressed and ready for church.  Church was awesome.  Sunday school went well, Childrens church was fun.  One of my students taught the class.  It was awesome that she knew the Word inside and out.  It was also funny to watch her teach like her teacher teaches. Discipline will surely be her strong point.  She taught on Psalm 23, the Lord being our Shepherd.

After church there was an afternoon service, we went to that it was pretty cool.  I sang with the choir, and it was fun.  I haven't sang with the Choir since the Conference this past summer in St. Louis.  I also remember why I don't sing with the choir.  My musical gift awaits me in the pew!

After Church I went to take a couple people home and then went to my dads house to help him clean his wounds and redress his feet.

We then went to dinner at Cheddars, My kid, friend (Tony) and myself.  I tried the Monte Christo sandwich. While I have heard it is rather tasty, it was too sweet for me.  I did enjoy the baked potato and green beans however.

After dinner it was called a good night!

Day 6

This is for Saturday, May 14, 2011

I had this day planned for quite sometime!  I knew I would be hanging with a friend that afternoon, and that morning I would dream sweet dreams to the awesome tunes of my snore!!!  I am happy to report that I was awakened with a much more important task...Volunteering and my nephew!!!

So we went to a place called HopeFaith Ministries to pass our clothes with my roomies church.  I was excited and so were my nieces and nephews, but unfortunately the agency was not excited to see them and made them sit down and not work.  This was frustrating for me, and I guess even more so for my roomie, as she told her church that she had to go if the kids could not help.  They understood and we left.

From there we went to the City Market.  The kids all had a dollar and they spent it on the first colorful thing they saw!  I think the adventures of the market will be best described but bullet points and images.

  • They bought balloon animals

  • We looked at the local vendors
  • We watched a magic show
  • We shopped
  • We left
  • We came home
  • They went to the park
  • I went to hang with my friend as planned
As odd as it may sound, I had to schedule time with my friend for us to hang out without my kids.  LOL!!! He had planned an entire afternoon of things for us to do and I must say, I was impressed.  We were headed toward downtown, and I wasnt sure why.  I had been craving an XTRA hot pickle and he surprised me by finding a place to get the exact kind I wanted.  (Yes, there are different types).  I was very excited to just smell the pickle!  From there we went to the city market and looked around a bit.  I mentioned that I like a wallet and to my surprise I now own that very wallet.  As we were leaving after having a great lunch, he surprised me with it!  Its awesome.  Being me I would only accept the wallet if he promised to take me somewhere fancy enough for me to carry it to.  Of course he agreed!  (yay me!) 

We had lunch at Winslows and it was pretty good!  I ordered these BBQ nachos that looked great, but deceived me, the chips were stale.  Their customer service was awesome, they replaced my meal for free!!! I had a free lunch!  LOVE IT!

We then went to Circus De Soleil.  I had never been and it was a pretty nice experience.  I fell asleep a couple time, but after that I was good.  From there we got frosty's and went to Hobby Lobby, one of my favorite places.

From here we headed home to prepare for Sunday!!!

      Monday, May 16, 2011

      Day 5

      This is for Friday, May 13, 2011

      Well I had to work all day and it was longer than the previous days, but none the less I got it done.  After work I picked up the kid, went home did a bit of cleaning and went to get the roomie and my other niece Sha.  Sha is D's little sister and we rotate weekends, her house one weekend, the other mine.  D normally goes over there more than Sha comes over...but it is what it is!

      So that night!

      We didnt really do much that evening, I had some dinner, took my friend to work and came home to fall into the bed.  Not much excitement, but much needed rest!

      Saturday, May 14, 2011

      Day 4 Thursday, May 12, 2011

      Ok, this is actually a make up blog because the site was down.

      This was actually a good day for me.  I worked pretty hard throughout the day and left the office feeling pleased with my progress.  The evening proved to be even better than the day.

      My friend Tony took me to lunch, I had been craving Churchs Chicken, so thats where we went.  I ordered a 3 piece white, with mashed potatoes and gravy.  The service was fine, I went back to work to eat my lunch (as I often do).  I gave a piece of chicken to my pregnant friend who thought her food was gross.  I went to my desk and began eating my potatoes..after about three bites, I discovered a "not so pleasant" surprise.

      I called Tony, he came to pick up the food and return it to Churchs.  He was given his money back and then some for inconvienence.  Needless to say, I was rather hungry, I was NOT eating anything else from there!!

      To back up a little, on the way back from getting lunch, Tony made the comment that I thought I was better than him because I have my master and he has a certificate from a vocational school.  While I know he was joking, he had been making such references for a little while, and it had more than grown old.  I know I have issues with being arrogant at times, and so this particular comment really got to me.  I had to remind him of a time someone told him he was showing off and just wanted to be noticed because of what he had, that no one else had at the time.  I believe he understood where I was coming from.  I did not make a big deal of fuss, simply stated my case and got off the phone.  Shortly there after I see a balloon floating up my office wall.  I laughed as the balloon did all the talking.  To accompany the outspoken balloon was a great bouquet of flowers!!!

      The day carried on and I made it through.  Hungry, but I made it none the less.

      I got the kid from school and we decided right away that we would spend the evening with just the two of us.  It was pretty fun.  We came home and had a meeting with our caseworker.  It was actually bitter sweet.  The meeting went well, but we also found that in about a week, we will no longer have HA as our caseworker because she is transferring to another county  :(

      None the less, we decided to move along with our evening!  We made dinner which was baked chicken wings, broccoli and tater tots.  While it sounds weird, I was too lazy to peel potatoes, so I baked some tater tots instead.  The kid thought they were cool and she ate all her food, sounds like a success to me!

      After dinner I gave the kid a pedicure which made her happy.  I thought it was funny, because she really acted like she was in the nail shop.  She complained that I did not scrub her feet enough. To which I replied "  Girl you are only 9, you shouldn't need them scrubbed at all!!!"  I polished and designed them, and we were off to yet another task.

      We hung a picture frame (ill add a photo at a later date) and that was the extent of our evening.  We didn't do anything major, but what we did do meant a lot and was fun!

      Wednesday, May 11, 2011

      Day 3

      So I am going to stay committed to this whole blog thing although, it maybe harder for you than for me.
      Today was my first day back at work after being off for graduation and it was LONG!  I was sleepy and my mind would not focus.  I made it through the day and was able to see all of my lovely teens at youth group.  They always know how to make me smile.  It was hard keeping the attention of 20+ teens as the weather was warm and outdoor inviting.  We managed however!  Needless to say it came with compromise...20 minutes attention for 20 mins of freedom!  I feel like we all won.

      Today was D-Day for me as well.  Delivery Day!  My washer and dryer came, but it was not simple.  I now have the older washer still hooked up because the hot water shut off valve behind the washer doesn't work.  I have to call maintanence tomorrow to get them to come out, shut off the water for the entire apartment, hook up the washer and then turn the water back on.  My new dryer is lovely however, it is so quiet.  I can dry at 3am and no one would know but me!

      My washer is in the living room by the fireplace, next to the dryer that was DOA-Dead on arrival!  A friend is supposed to have those moved out by weeks end, lets PRAY this comes through.  I cannot wait to have my home back as a home!  I have a few projects to do around the place, but these appliances are serving as a pretty good distraction for right now! 

      Sorry there is not a picture today, I hope I can do better tomorrow!  Good night

      Tuesday, May 10, 2011

      Day 2

      First I wake up to someone in my bed, now I am not married, so no one should be in my  bed but me.  I look up and it is the kid.  Apparently, I fell victim to the "ask while she is sleeping" trick last night and let her sleep in my bed.  No problem.  Well, after such kindness, I was repaid with a blast of silly string.  Thanks to my old boss, my kid is equipped with her very own can of silly string!  So I laid and took the blast of silly string.  There will be more to this story soon!

      I rested the remaining part of the morning, I had great plans for the rest of the day.

      Today was a good day as well. The plan was to go to a movie and have lunch with my mother and grandmother.  We did just that!

      We went to see Fast Five, my mother loves Vin Diesel and Tyrese!  It was a good movie, it had us on the edge of our seats most of the time.  This doesn't happen often anymore! We enjoyed a bbq lunch at Jack Stack and went back to open birthday gifts (we were supposed to do this yesterday).  I got a red fossil wallet to match my new red fossil purse yay me!

      QT with the K-I-D
      Today I decided I would spend some time with the kid.  We went shopping for summer clothes.  After two hours about about 12 pairs of shorts,we found a million shirts and two pairs of shoes that worked and one pair of capri's!!!! I was amazed to see that even little girls clothes are designed for the "poured in" look.  Things were more than skin tight....ugh, I am gonna have to learn to sew and quickly!

      We went to wal mart to get things for the house, and then we stopped at Chipotle for dinner.  She has never eaten there before, and was willing to give it a shot.  The guy gave her a free drink because we had to wait on fresh steak to come up.  We ate and talked and really enjoyed ourselves.  We headed in for a nice order of dessert nachos which she is now calling Ice Cream Nachos! 

      The evening was fun and not a lot happened, but it was really a great day.