Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 16

Today is Tuesday, and I am having a messy day.  My emotions are all over the place and I am not sure how I feel about much of anything today.

Today I decided I needed to do something nice and selfless for someone else.  I stopped on my way to work and got a rose for a great friend of mine, TM!  I know she like fresh flowers, and I wanted to brighten her day.  I didnt want to be overwhelming, but simple enough to let her know, she makes a difference. 

I was able to see my friend Sir today.  He came up to my office to chat for a bit.  It was pretty awesome to talk to a friend that I dont see often.  I was able to talk and he was available to listen and that made the day go better.   He gave me a couple of gifts which was sweet.   A book on prayer, something I plan to start today, and a card game, scattergories.    It was really nice seeing him!!!  We are gonna have a game day on Monday, and I am EXICITED-
I bought a pair of Fila Skele-toes yesterday, and I believe I love them.  I am wearing them for the first time today and they feel awesome.  I think I am going to spring for another pair.  I want the Vibrams because they have five individual toe spots and they come in several colors and styles.  I really really like these.  I am going to get some toes socks and be HAPPY!
I had lunch with my Mini Me, we went to eat Chicken, it was good but the company was even better!

The evening went well, I picked up my kid, we did a little shopping and spent the rest of the night with each other.  We had Bible Study, we were in Ephesians 6 looking at the Armor of God, prayer, dinner, made dessert and went to bed.  It was a cool night, the kid even slept in the bed with me!!! 

This is our pan of brownies before going into the oven.  We made chocolate brownies with Caramel (the heart and zig-zag line are the caramel).  We were not able to eat them because the kid had to go to bed, but tonight we will enjoy them with milk!

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