Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 4 Thursday, May 12, 2011

Ok, this is actually a make up blog because the site was down.

This was actually a good day for me.  I worked pretty hard throughout the day and left the office feeling pleased with my progress.  The evening proved to be even better than the day.

My friend Tony took me to lunch, I had been craving Churchs Chicken, so thats where we went.  I ordered a 3 piece white, with mashed potatoes and gravy.  The service was fine, I went back to work to eat my lunch (as I often do).  I gave a piece of chicken to my pregnant friend who thought her food was gross.  I went to my desk and began eating my potatoes..after about three bites, I discovered a "not so pleasant" surprise.

I called Tony, he came to pick up the food and return it to Churchs.  He was given his money back and then some for inconvienence.  Needless to say, I was rather hungry, I was NOT eating anything else from there!!

To back up a little, on the way back from getting lunch, Tony made the comment that I thought I was better than him because I have my master and he has a certificate from a vocational school.  While I know he was joking, he had been making such references for a little while, and it had more than grown old.  I know I have issues with being arrogant at times, and so this particular comment really got to me.  I had to remind him of a time someone told him he was showing off and just wanted to be noticed because of what he had, that no one else had at the time.  I believe he understood where I was coming from.  I did not make a big deal of fuss, simply stated my case and got off the phone.  Shortly there after I see a balloon floating up my office wall.  I laughed as the balloon did all the talking.  To accompany the outspoken balloon was a great bouquet of flowers!!!

The day carried on and I made it through.  Hungry, but I made it none the less.

I got the kid from school and we decided right away that we would spend the evening with just the two of us.  It was pretty fun.  We came home and had a meeting with our caseworker.  It was actually bitter sweet.  The meeting went well, but we also found that in about a week, we will no longer have HA as our caseworker because she is transferring to another county  :(

None the less, we decided to move along with our evening!  We made dinner which was baked chicken wings, broccoli and tater tots.  While it sounds weird, I was too lazy to peel potatoes, so I baked some tater tots instead.  The kid thought they were cool and she ate all her food, sounds like a success to me!

After dinner I gave the kid a pedicure which made her happy.  I thought it was funny, because she really acted like she was in the nail shop.  She complained that I did not scrub her feet enough. To which I replied "  Girl you are only 9, you shouldn't need them scrubbed at all!!!"  I polished and designed them, and we were off to yet another task.

We hung a picture frame (ill add a photo at a later date) and that was the extent of our evening.  We didn't do anything major, but what we did do meant a lot and was fun!


  1. I CAN NOT Believe you found a nail in your food!! That is OUTRAGEOUS! 2nd--I'd give a lung for some fresh flowers---very thoughtful friend you have =] and C) pedicures are soooo great! You're a lovely Maunt! hahaha

  2. I know, isn't it gross!!! Thanks! We had fun with the Pedi, and I do appreciate the flowers.
