Thursday, May 5, 2011

Matthew 7:7

When I started Grad school in the fall of 2008, I set the goal of getting all A's in my program.  I had some struggles along the way, but I was managing to achieve the goal I set for myself.  I know it was not of my own accord, but the grace of God and prayers that was allowing me to do such a thing.

Last night I received the following email:

Hi Beverly

The capstone final report will be available for pickup in Cockefair Hall from next Wednesday, May 11th.

Your report earned a grade of "B" and your final course grade is "B". Dr. Jeff Rydberg-Cox and myself have left a full evaluation of your assessment with the report.

Have a great summer!

Dr. Austin

Of course this had me in tears, I set a goal and did not accomplish it.  I thanked God for the B and kept moving.  Well, it was not well with my heart, so I emailed the teacher back.  Somewhat joking, but hopeful that it would make a difference.  The email read as follows:

Are you sure its a B?  That won't sit so pretty among the A's I've gotten throughout the program!!! Thanks!

So I called my bff and told her, she listened and I finally called it a night and went to sleep.  I woke up this morning, told my room mate, called my mom and another friend.  I recall telling my roommate that I thanked God for the grade, but I would have liked something different.  She tried to comfort me with her words.  I began my day as usual, content but not satisfied about the grade.

Well, sitting at work, working (wink wink, lol) I received an email that took my breath away!!!

Hi Beverly

I have reviewed the grades and you are right, the grade should be an A minus.  My apologies - I just didn't calculate it correctly.  I've never had a mistake on grades before so I'm not sure of the procedure to fix it, but I'll research that today and get back to you.  Sorry for the inconvenience!

Discussion seminars - A  (20%)
What Influences Me  - A  (10%) 
Book Review            - B  (15%)
Article Proposal       - A-  (15%)
Final Research Project - B (40%)

It is calculated like this:   B = 85 x .55% = 46.75
                                         A = 100 x .30% = 30.00
                                         A- = 90 x .15% = 13.5                                       
                                         TOTAL  =  90.25

Dr. Austin

I immediately gave thanks to God, it was only his grace!!! I am haivng a Matthew 7:7 type of day!
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you 


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