Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 2

First I wake up to someone in my bed, now I am not married, so no one should be in my  bed but me.  I look up and it is the kid.  Apparently, I fell victim to the "ask while she is sleeping" trick last night and let her sleep in my bed.  No problem.  Well, after such kindness, I was repaid with a blast of silly string.  Thanks to my old boss, my kid is equipped with her very own can of silly string!  So I laid and took the blast of silly string.  There will be more to this story soon!

I rested the remaining part of the morning, I had great plans for the rest of the day.

Today was a good day as well. The plan was to go to a movie and have lunch with my mother and grandmother.  We did just that!

We went to see Fast Five, my mother loves Vin Diesel and Tyrese!  It was a good movie, it had us on the edge of our seats most of the time.  This doesn't happen often anymore! We enjoyed a bbq lunch at Jack Stack and went back to open birthday gifts (we were supposed to do this yesterday).  I got a red fossil wallet to match my new red fossil purse yay me!

QT with the K-I-D
Today I decided I would spend some time with the kid.  We went shopping for summer clothes.  After two hours about about 12 pairs of shorts,we found a million shirts and two pairs of shoes that worked and one pair of capri's!!!! I was amazed to see that even little girls clothes are designed for the "poured in" look.  Things were more than skin tight....ugh, I am gonna have to learn to sew and quickly!

We went to wal mart to get things for the house, and then we stopped at Chipotle for dinner.  She has never eaten there before, and was willing to give it a shot.  The guy gave her a free drink because we had to wait on fresh steak to come up.  We ate and talked and really enjoyed ourselves.  We headed in for a nice order of dessert nachos which she is now calling Ice Cream Nachos! 

The evening was fun and not a lot happened, but it was really a great day. 

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