Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 3

So I am going to stay committed to this whole blog thing although, it maybe harder for you than for me.
Today was my first day back at work after being off for graduation and it was LONG!  I was sleepy and my mind would not focus.  I made it through the day and was able to see all of my lovely teens at youth group.  They always know how to make me smile.  It was hard keeping the attention of 20+ teens as the weather was warm and outdoor inviting.  We managed however!  Needless to say it came with compromise...20 minutes attention for 20 mins of freedom!  I feel like we all won.

Today was D-Day for me as well.  Delivery Day!  My washer and dryer came, but it was not simple.  I now have the older washer still hooked up because the hot water shut off valve behind the washer doesn't work.  I have to call maintanence tomorrow to get them to come out, shut off the water for the entire apartment, hook up the washer and then turn the water back on.  My new dryer is lovely however, it is so quiet.  I can dry at 3am and no one would know but me!

My washer is in the living room by the fireplace, next to the dryer that was DOA-Dead on arrival!  A friend is supposed to have those moved out by weeks end, lets PRAY this comes through.  I cannot wait to have my home back as a home!  I have a few projects to do around the place, but these appliances are serving as a pretty good distraction for right now! 

Sorry there is not a picture today, I hope I can do better tomorrow!  Good night

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