Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Back to doing better

So, its been more than a few months since my last posts.  I make no apologies but I have had the urge to blog so here I am.  I've been listening to poetry this morning, so I thought I would try my hand at it.


Are things that happen over time
Often necessary, but rarely embraced
Causing the worried look to rest upon the face
If only it was a different time or place
I mean, I would if I could, and yes I understand that I should
However right now, the time just isn't good.

Sometimes I fear it, but pray that God bring me near it
I want to adjust and be different but it just might hurt
I pretend to be void of strength when i am really just lazy and don't want to do the work

It requires me to deny the things that seem sweet like pie
Makes me face the truth and escape the lie
That everything is okay and life is just fine
But really I know that is just the enemy's favorite line
Convincing me to flee from God and his perfect love for me

Change is a blessing and from it is taught a real true lesson
God came and made a change, sinners like you and me still think its strange
He gave his only son, to save us from our sin
The funny things is despite my lifestyle He would do it again
 Thank you Lord, that through your change in me, I've read the back of the book, and I know I win!