Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 15

WOW!!! Where to start for today!  I woke up and was getting ready for work, when my TSINW showed me this BOULDER on her finger!!! She went to take her guy to meet her parents over the weekend, they gave their blessing and he proposed yesterday!! EXCITING!!!

I wish my entire day was as great.  I was on my way to work and ran into an issue with a shower I am planning.  I was able to handle the situation without loosing my cool.  I had just been reading in James and it really helped me keep my tongue, Thanks James LOL!

I ate the lunch I brought to work today, which was good.  I am trying to be more fiscally responsible, but it is not as easy getting adjusted to as I would like.  I enjoy enjoying life and I want to get to a place where I can do that on a larger scale.  I have decided that I will no longer eat my cation, but I will live it.  That being said, I need to brown bag it instead of going out to grab it!

My plans for the evening were to run errands and prepare for a few showers I am helping with, but life caused things to go differently.  I received a text asking that I pray for a young man that went to High School with many of my youth group teens.  He had been shot, so that evening my BFF invited me to go to the mall with them.  We went to the mall and clowned around like we always do.

Funny Story:  We went into wet seal at the mall, they were having a 1 cent sale for things on clearance.  This bracelet was there so I tried it on, okay well I forced it on my arm.  I had to pull and pry it off.   As I hid behind the wall in shame...my bff tried to take a picture, "for the sake of the blog" is what I was told.  I know my BFF enough to know better.  I was able to pry the bracelet of, so I wanted to take a picture of such a painful yet cute bracelet.  My kid was happy to model for me. 

Me and the Kid in JC Penny next to the Khaki Working Men, just seemed like a good photo op!

 Me and the Mini Me doing what we do best, acting a fool!!! I know you cant tell but we are SQUEEZING into the awesome Ninja Turtle jackets.....one of us even needed help getting it off!  LOL!!!

The Kid felt like trying some things on as well, she does know how to accessorize!

We were going through the mall and were trying many of the free demonstrations, Summie was able to get her hair curled as this lady tried to convince us to buy the next new thing.  A flat iron that was 100% ceramic, but when I asked about it versus an Ionic Iron, she said " I am trying to remember 8th grade science, not a good sign, most ceremic irons have ionic technology built in and...well enough said.  Her hair was cute afterwards though!

After the mall we went and got dinner, while there we got a call saying the young man earlier did not make it, and we went to the hospital and supported our teens in a difficult time.  While I did not know the young man personally, it hit me extremely hard.  I thank God for our teens and the fact that they are being honest in what they do and who they are.  I pray that they continue to grow and evangelize to their friends.   

I had a talk with my TSINW when I got home, there are some things that we have to deal with before I can celebrate with her whole heartedly, this is challenging for me, so I am really praying my way through it all.  I have been in this situation before, except I was on the giving end, which makes receiving it that much more difficult because I have to deal with the pain I caused as well as the pain I am experiencing.  EEEK!!! Looking forward to healing and tomorrow!

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