Thursday, July 7, 2011

When your story is told, what way it say?

I have been going back and forth with myself a lot lately.  Trying to decide if what I am doing is what I should be doing.  There are many questions that remain unanswered.

As we all know, we are living in the last days and have been for a while.  This causes me to think about many things.  One of which is, when its time to tell my story, what will it say?  I find myself going out on limbs for people, who often, leave me there alone.  I find my heart supporting the dreams of those who need supporting, but aren't always willing to take the necessary leap.  More importantly I find myself saying yes, when I really want to say no, but something forces the three letters out before I can form the two.

I am in a decent position in life, but by no means where my heart desires to be.  For years I have given excuses for why I am not able to do what I should be doing.  There is a bigger one in my way currently, that I can't seem to figure out.

I am stuck in a place, trying to figure out my story.  I want to tell a story that touches hearts and sparks a desire to change for the better.  I want to tell a story that makes me look back over my life and smile because I honored my heavenly father and made change here on earth.  I want to tell a story that is uniquely mine.  It doesn't have to matter to everyone, be read by anyone, as long as it seen and needed by at least one.

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