Tuesday, February 28, 2012

More to see--Hampton's Home-buying Happenings 2/28/2012

So I started this whole home search process a few months ago and have viewed many homes.  I must admit I have grown slightly anxious about finding the home that had everything I wanted and did not require me to compromise.  After what felt like looking at a billion homes online, avoiding house hunters for a few months (ill explain why later) and taking my lunch hour to view homes.  I believe I found my jewel.

Not that I am a professional or anything but here are somethings I found helpful along the way.

1. Finding an amazing Realtor, Mikki Armstrong is by far the greatest at what she does.  My Realtor made it a point to make me know I was a priority.  I mean there was one night I was up until the wee hours of the night looking at homes online, I texted Mikki to ask if she could include one of the houses in our Saturday viewing.  (Mikki had given me permission to text her at ANY time)  I sent her a text at 11:30 thinking she would see it the next morning, however, about 10 minutes later she replied letting me know the game plan for the next day and continued working on the details that night, or should I say morning.

2. Know what you want and be willing to reconsider.  I went in knowing I wanted a 3 bed 2 bath, finished basement and garage.  Anything else was a bonus, anything less was not acceptable.  However, I also knew my price range and quickly learned that in my price range what I wanted was definitely possible I just had to decide if I wanted more in terms of space or upgrades.  Going in I wanted both.  I was being unrealistic.  That is another place my awesome Realtor stepped in and explained to me the differences in what I wanted verses what I could afford.  She was very knowledgeable and was able to find a place that gave me both and was less that what I budgeted!  JACK POT!

3. Do your homework.  I researched different home buying programs that are available in my area, and ones that gave the biggest benefits since I am a first time home buyer.  With the help of Mikki, we found a program that works for me.  It is amazing, it pays 20% down on my home as well as some closing costs.

4. Go home and sleep on it.  I did this after each showing.  I knew right away there were some homes that I had no interest in at all, but there were also some homes that I thought I would love to live in.  After getting home and having a chance to go over the practicality of the homes, I often found that the houses I REALLY liked were not always the best option for me.  I had to consider things such as utilities.  While I would love to have a HUGE sitting room, with vaulted ceilings, how much would it add to my monthly expenses to heat and cool those rooms?  These are things to think about, even when you get an AMAZING price on the home.

5. Consider your visitors.  For me this was a very important aspect because I love to entertain and just have people over.  I had to consider if having a home without a large driveway would work for me.  I wanted to find a place where people could park on the street and not cause me to be hated by all my neighbors.  I did not want a place with too many stairs for several reasons. It was also to have a place with sidewalks out front because I am know as the "kid house".  I have a young daughter and am a Children Ministry Teacher so I always have a kid running around some where.  Sometimes thinking about the smallest details will make or break a deal and save you headache in the long run.

6.  Go with who you know.  One thing my Realtor did for me was recommend people to me that she had also used.  She told me at the beginning that she has worked with lots of people in the profession and has lenders that she prefers to work with.  She even went a step further to say, I recommend people that I have had to work with on a personal level first.  She recommended people that she had her own children use, and that made me feel so much more at ease.  I must admit that all the people she has put me in contact with have been AWESOME!!! They work with me as if I am the only person they have to deal with and that make me feel like a Queen!  I love it!

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